February 9, 2012

Day in the Life: Feb 8th, 2012

I wrote a long post about my reasons for doing a Day in the Life (DITL) project, unfortunately I accidentally hit backspace and deleted it all without saving... rookie mistake! In summary, I enjoy looking back at snapshots from my life in past six years of doing these projects - and now that our family has grown this is no exception.

I used my iPhone to take and process all pictures yesterday, so there's a bit of motion blur/bright flash in some of the photos. For anyone interested, I used the following apps: Camera+ and Hipstamatic (taking the photos), PicFrame (collages) and Labelbox (journalling).

Here we go, A Day in the Life - February 8th, 2012 edition! Click on any image to see it bigger.

Here are links to two other DITL projects I have done in recent years:


  1. very cool! I thought I was the only person who used the expression "the three Bs" lol

    Your food made me hungry and it's nearly midnight here right now haha!

    1. Heh, nope - you're not the only one! (although there's a fourth... BATH! Well, shower here ;P)

      Sorry about the hunger, here's hoping you've satiated it by now. ;)

  2. you're too good in this, my goodness... i am impressed as always :)
