I don't know how much longer we'll have before Rowan's cot needs to be turned into a toddler bed:
Yesterday was SUCH a tiring day. Seriously, I feel more exhausted than if I'd worked a full day with a preschool group. Rowan was absolutely on fire today with tantrums over nothing, his getting upset about not wanting to breastfeed (but being conflicted and having a meltdown because he said no and then couldn't make his mind up), and refusing a nap. He did perk up when going to a 2 hour staff meeting at my work tonight though (5pm-7pm... not an ideal time for a 2 year-old at the best of times, but he handled it like a champ).
The silly, 'naughty' behaviours (as in when he deliberately does the wrong thing) are extremely frustrating and I know it's all part of this age and stage but.... phew. I know we have it lucky and Rowan is usually pretty easy to reason with, and he does listen. But at the moment I feel as though I'm not doing a very good job of parenting him, when he's kicking and hitting at me I'm still trying to figure out whether to offer comfort or to move away and make sure there's a safe space around him to let him thrash it out.
Toddlers, huh? And to think that people often choose to have more than one child! ;P
Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, right?? |