This next part isn't for the squeamish at heart - if you don't like talk of bodily fluids or are eating then feel free to skip (meanwhile I eat lunch while I type this... :P). It's no secret that Rowan loves food. He'd graze all day if he could, and with the energy he burns at the moment he NEEDS to (we had a growth spurt in the past month - it was like having a breastfeeding teenager in the house; not only eating anything he could get his hands on but also having a lot more night feeds too). Anyway, last week Rowan was a bit coldy - he's mixing with a lot of germs these days because many of the other babies in our Mum's Group attend childcare at least part time now. He'd had a bit of a dry cough and hearing him stir in the night coughing wasn't a big deal as he'd re-settle himself most of the time. When he woke up for a feed at 5am one morning I walked into his room and the overpowering stench of vomit hit me... and there was Rowan in his bed eating sultanas out of dried sick. It was pretty gross - and I felt terrible because with the way it'd dried on his pyjamas and bed, it was obvious it hadn't happened recently. Parental fail #1.
Then this morning (oh yes, there is a part two...) after a particularly up-and-down night with a certain baby, II fell asleep again after Rowan awoke to start his day. Yep, parental fail #2! It must have only been for 20min or so, but it was enough time for him to get up to mischief - pulling the lid of his nappy bucket into bed along with two very dirty nappies. With the way Rowan's room is set up, the only place to put the nappy bucket is between the changetable and cot:
(Rowan was two months old in this picture; and the nappy bucket is pushed up against the change table mostly now)
Needless to say it was straight into the shower for us before having to wash sheets, blankets, pyjamas, toys and the walls.
And as of now, I've relocated the nappy bucket into the laundry cupboard (which is in the kitchen), so it is out of reach of the boy who loves to open and close anything and everything.